I had this post all mapped out last week, but I gathered
that a successful writer must learn to be less sentimental ( saves one a lot of
trouble and bias), I decided to let it bake a little at least to settle
disturbed dust.
Ehen, abeg, how una
see last week, the week before last and even the one before that one? Una like
am? Well, I didn’t and I have quite a lot to say about the very notorious fuel
epidemic but before that, let me give you an overview of this post.
I believe we all had our eyes and ears open sometime
in 2015 when the now President, Muhammadu Buhari and his party members came heralding CHANGE! For the millions who believed,
he promised a corrupt free nation, roads made with gold, constant power supply,
an impeccable economy…ok, I think I have exaggerated but did he not promise
free meals for primary school pupils, good roads? If I remember correctly, our
now Presido promised change especially by wearing suit and sharing our very own
high five with a little boy (I presumed that meant even the little children
will enjoy his governance). One thing that still strikes me is he didn’t quite
promise us frequent trips abroad. Somebody please remind me swiftly if he did
as currently, all I hear and think about is the sound of my grumbling belle.
This is 2016 and like
the man above, many Nigerians feel that they have made another error in
choosing Buhari. They have unanimously agreed that I should become their mouth
piece and because I am another pissed off Nigerian, I have taken up their
request with all pleasure. Now some of the reasons presented before my jury
shall be listed below:
Fuel Scarcity
We were promised change! We danced, screamed curses at the
previous regime, we blamed Uncle Jona for the plagues that have befallen Nigeria
since 1960 and opened our arms wide to receive the change that the BROOM promised. We definitely did not
expect what Change brought. Oh yes we got change but our change spelt “bad to
worse”. In fact, the present situation makes Jonathan’s administration seem so
Nigerians spent hours in queues for fuel in
January, March and even April (did it last so long with Jona?) and what do we
get for our pains? Lai Mohammed apologizes to Nigerians, Kachukwu apologizes to
Nigerians, this apologizes, that apologizes, everybody apologizes except the
president (At least Jona was good at CONDEMNING).
The War against
I was listening to Nigeria Info 99.3 on my way to work yesterday
and like they knew the burden in my heart, one of the issues they discussed
bothered on corruption and this administration’s fight against the infamous
Nigerian STRONGHOLD. From their conversation, I came to the conclusion that
this corruption fight seemed more like a personal vendetta. They claimed and I
agree that most of the offenders are high ranking members of the past
administration’s ruling party. Now have you noticed that no one, I mean no one
has been convicted so far? One morning, we heard a certain High Chief was in
prison, the next morning, we heard he was out and before we managed to rinse
our mouths, letters of apology were broadcasted and replayed even more than
paid ads. We also heard the said Chief made a quick good will visit to Aso Rock
to see how the President was doing but of course behind camera ( don’t quote me
oh). Now I am not against the fight against corruption oh, I only wish that the
wool be pulled from our eyes and let the persecutions sorry, I mean to say
prosecutions be made as transparent as possible. Let somebody asides Abacha
return stolen money! In addition, can some of the very notorious APC thieves,
sorry again, chieftains be indicted as well or have they suddenly become above
the law?
When I heard that
Fashola was made minister for power, I rejoiced! I hoped like many like-mind
Nigerians that Fashola would handle the power sector with the same ready to work attitude which he used to
clear up Agege, Oshodi and Mushin. But then again, Change seems to have taken
place as all I see is new headlines and new pictures of well furnished,
properly lit offices but not enough power to charge my batteries and an
increased tariff. Now that we do not have light (allow me say it the Nigerian
way), or fuel to power on our generators, how on earth do we see you people
plead with us to have more patience. Mind you we have been waiting since 1960!
Buy Nigerian
I have no problem
with that as I don’t even have a choice. On a second thought, I need someone to
satisfy my curious soul; does our president eat Abakiliki rice or any of its
variants? Again since we are on the patronize Nigeria matter, can someone
please tell me if any of Buhari’s children are in Ahmadu Bello University,
University of Ibadan or the University of Nigeria, Nsukka? The other time, Buhari went to the United States for a supposed vacation but again, have our
beautiful resorts lost the ability to relax nerves? Just asking oh before you
all make me buy another Aba shoe that’d earn me seventy-seven years of yabbery. Please let us not even talk about how our budget disappeared and reappeared bringing with it many controversies like who removed rail way project!Na wa o.
With the above, it
is clear that the current administration has not achieved even seventy-five
percent of its agenda. Now I stand by the need to support our leaders so this
post is not about singing the song of doom but about letting you all know that
the problem of Nigeria can no longer be solved by mere dress up and beautiful
Now Buhari's praise singers have two favorite sentences “Buhari promised change but he is
not a magician as change is a gradual process "and “Jonathan’s administration is
the catalyst of all our problems”. Well I can agree with he not being a
magician but is it not about time we had an honest politician? One who would
say the truth especially during his campaigns? Is it acceptable or now a norm
that politicians must lie during campaigns? I mean, Buhari has failed to fulfill
even one third of the promises he made during campaign. Did he not promise so why can’t
he deliver?

are we not tired of everyone pulling the noose that has been tied around
Jonathan’s neck ( Jonathan has become the archetypal scape goat whose sole purpose is to die for the sins of others)? This is definitely not Buhari’s first time in power so we expected more expertise and definitely not the baby steps of an amateur that has become the constant in this administration.You might call this slow and steady but I call it Snail and tortoise moves. For someone with an experienced profile, we expected that things should have been
put in place by now. To our startling dismay, the presidency is more
preoccupied with making international ties (I believe Baba is currently in China),
and of course blaming the previous regime for its many failures. Anyone who
knows his onions knows that a successful man does not waste his time blaming
everybody but himself, rather, he directs his misjudgments inward. If he must
blame previous regimes, then he should start with Obasanjo and his predecessors(
oh I hear that Obasanjo described him as his Wife or described seeing him as
seeing his wife behind closed doors. Biko choose one) which includes his humble self...see the irony?
Now I don’t mean to
be critical of Buhari’s administration but I don’t know how you want to explain
to your hungry child that even the size of gala has reduced. When we voted for
change, we didn’t expect magic but we sure didn’t expect the size of
commodities to reduce and their price increase, we never expected to be plagued
by darkness. Nigeria’s situation reminds me of the seven years of harvest and
the seven years of lack in Egypt during the time of Joseph aka Jona. The years
of harvest ---, the years of lack---, fill in the gap!
Photo Credit: Instablog
Photo Credit: Instablog
My exact thoughts!!! You nailed it again ...just wish the presidency could see this. For the change, I suddenly feel like only his family members are experiencing the positiveness of his CHANGE
ReplyDeleteI have so much to say about this issue, but presently, I don't have the right presence of mind to articulate my thoughts in coherent order. I would av explained to you in successive steps how Uncle Jona over the so-called years of plenty is largely responsible for where we are right now economically! #ChangeIsGradual
ReplyDeleteP.S: I am NOT a #BuhariAdvocate I am NOT an #APCMember #ISupportInnovationAndProgress
After a year in office,you should have a clear pathway of piloting the affairs of this Contry and not blame Goodluck.
PMB has done it again. The school cert holder (?) has done what a PhD holder could not.
Very simple economics. We buy most of our goods from China, so why must we pay the Chinese in dollars? The Chinese buy a lot of crude oil from us, so why must they pay us in dollars?
So PMB made a deal with the Chinese. We pay for the goods we buy from China in Yuan, the Chinese currency. They buy our crude oil and pay in Yuan.
The exchange rate is to be pegged at 30 Naira to one Yuan or RMB.
So how does it favour us? Simple.
The Yuan is now 6.48 to a dollar. So if you pay 30 Naira to the Yuan, that would be equivalent to 194.4 Naira to the dollar.
Since the dollar exchanges for 199 Naira, you save N4.6. 199 - 194.4 = 4.6. Simple, huh?
In simple terms, PMB has just strengthened the Naira by 9.15%!
And that's not the end of the story. As we begin to deal in the Yuan, the demand for dollar would plummet and this in turn would weaken the dollar. It would crash to around 140 Naira to the dollar.
Now u see the reason why he traveled to China , let pray for our leaders and wish them well and stop praying for them to fail ..buhari is not traveling to attend parties, he us trying to rescue the battered economic status of Nigeria abroad,