I present to you the fellow that qualifies to bag that title. He possesses not just one of the features but all! He is none other than Henry Ebuka Ezeh. I mince no words when I say that this guy is the realest Mr Oreo. He qualifies to own this title for reasons I shall enumerate below.
I doubt if his pictures do his complexion justice but take my word for it, this guy is black! You guys might never get to meet him, so just picture that Oreo cookie and there you have him, tasty blackness. The first time I saw him, all the hyperbole in the world intended, I feared that if my hands touched his, my hands would remain eternally dark so I tried as much as possible to keep my distance.
One would expect that Henry's interior would be just as dark as his exterior but knowing him for as long as I have
( four months actually), I dare say emphatically that he has that white creamy Oreo interior. He is every inch a gentleman. He is kind, caring, supportive and every woman's dream man. He is also so selfless, I wonder if he ever bothers about his own problems. His white is so white, it's blinding.
In addition, he lets me unleash my unbridled tongue! This guy has suffered in my hands o! He is my editor without pay, my personal adviser and my realest fan: he makes sure I hear the truth whether I need to hear it or not. He was the first to read and comment on my first ever post on mamazeus.
Oreo would be any other cookie but for its deliciousness...a moment of silence for my last Oreo that's slowly digesting. Henry is in constant competition with Oreo (If I do say so myself ). Drag your evil minds from that pit guys, I mean he has the sweetest personality ever.
Today is his birthday! I'm like, what do I give to him that he would truly appreciate (seeing that I can't afford anything fancy). In that eureka moment it came to me, why don't I write about him on the blog he so pushed me to start. So here it is, me pouring out my heart ; unbridled and uncensored . Happy birthday to you Ojimebuka. It is not enough to say well done so I would add thank you for everything dark, sweet and white.
P.s : In addition to writing about my private and public chronicles, do feel free to contact me via email if you need to send a shout out to any one dear to you on their birthday, wedding or any other memorable occasion. I would be glad to divert my creativity to your service. The fun part is, it's absolutely free! No terms, conditions or favours. Make sure to add at least two pictures. My email address is preshienwogu@gmail.com . Halla!
Mama Zeus. Nice one
ReplyDeleteThis was a great birthday gift. I wish I got the same on my day which was way back in April tho. Your explanation of Mr. Oreo holds so much water.